The Importance of Reconciled Deployment in Declarative Programming

Declarative programming has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its emphasis on describing what the desired outcome should be instead of how to achieve it. This has led to the development of many declarative languages such as Ansible, Terraform and Kubernetes, to name just a few.

One of the advantages of declarative programming is that it allows for easier reconciliation of the current state of a system with the intended state. This can be achieved through reconciled deployment or generation, both of which are important concepts in declarative programming.

In this article, we will explore the importance of reconciled deployment in declarative programming and how it can make life easier for developers and operators.

What is Reconciled Deployment?

Reconciled deployment is the process of comparing the current state of a system with the intended state and making any necessary changes to bring the system into the intended state.

In declarative programming, the intended state is described using a declarative language, such as YAML or JSON. This description includes all the resources that should be present in the system, as well as any configuration settings that need to be applied.

When changes are made to the description of the intended state, reconciled deployment is used to bring the system back into the desired state. The declarative language used to describe the intended state is used to generate or update the resources in the system, ensuring that the system remains in the desired state.

Reconciled deployment is important in declarative programming because it simplifies the management of complex systems. It also provides a way to automate the process of updating systems, making it easier to maintain and scale applications.

Benefits of Reconciled Deployment

Reconciled deployment offers several benefits in the context of declarative programming:

Automated Configuration Management

Declarative languages such as Ansible and Terraform are designed to automate the process of configuring and setting up systems. With reconciled deployment, the system can be automatically configured to the desired state, reducing the need for manual configuration.


Reconciled deployment makes it easier to scale systems, as adding new resources to a system can be achieved through configuration changes. This makes it possible to add new resources to a system quickly and easily, without the need for manual intervention.

Version Control

Because the declarative language used to describe the system state is stored in version control, it is possible to easily track changes to the system configuration over time. This provides a way to audit systems and ensure that they are compliant with any relevant regulations or requirements.

Faster Deployment

Reconciled deployment can be used to automate the process of deploying applications, making it faster and more reliable. This is because the declarative language used to describe the system state removes the need for manual intervention, reducing the potential for errors.

Tools for Reconciled Deployment

Several tools are available for reconciled deployment in declarative programming:


Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that offers built-in support for reconciled deployment. It uses a declarative language called YAML to describe the desired state of the system, and updates the system to match this desired state automatically.


Ansible is a popular configuration management tool that can be used for reconciled deployment. It uses YAML to describe the desired state of the system, and automatically updates the system to match this state.


Terraform is a tool for infrastructure as code that can be used for reconciled deployment. It uses a declarative language called HCL to describe the desired state of the infrastructure, and creates or updates resources in the infrastructure accordingly.


Reconciled deployment is an important concept in declarative programming, as it simplifies the management of complex systems and provides a way to automate the process of updating systems. With the increasing popularity of declarative programming, it is likely that we will see more tools and frameworks that support reconciled deployment in the future.

As developers and operators, it is important for us to understand the benefits of reconciled deployment and how it can be used to simplify the management of complex systems. By using declarative languages and tools that support reconciled deployment, we can make our lives easier and create more reliable and scalable applications.

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed